The Dragon Lives Again, 1977 – ★★★★½

Tonight, I got to see something I NEVER thought i’d ever be likely to. Not ONLY did I get to see a HD, fully uncropped and solidly restored version of this film. But I got to see it as part of Severin Films wonderful ‘Game of Clones’ boxset. Not only did I get to SEE this film…But I now OWN it, its on my shelf and can be watched any time I want.

Given 18 months ago, the above wasnt just unlikely, it was generally accepted as downright impossible. With only VERY select US screenings from AGFA having ever actually taken place of this film. Im still honestly quite amazed that the rights issues have *seemingly* been resolved, to the point that this has finally been able to recieve a wider release.

Im likely going to elaborate further on the significant differences between the previous ‘multi-gen’ cropped version and this new release in future. But for now, I’ll say seeing this film in its original aspect ratio, with the original ‘caption’ elements reintroduced uncropped was both delightful and an almost alien viewing for me. Im so used to seeing the cropped cut of this film and so familiar with it, ACTUALLY getting to see the missing 33% felt SO weird to me. But in a good way.

While I will say, its a real shame that the only surviving film elements for this film was a VERY faded 35mm print (which in turn means the colours present in this film are quite a bit duller than expected) the work thats been done to ressurect this thing is nothing short of incredible. and I feel with a couple more rewatches, I’ll wonder how I ever watched any other version. Astounding work…it really truely is.


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